Sunday 4 January 2015


HAPPY NEW YEAR... it is a wonderful feeling and a great privilege to see 2015. My year of GRACE.

I want to say a big thank you to all of you holding me accountable on my blog comfortofcomfort, I am grateful to God, that you are in my space.  How have you fared since the last post, I hope you were able to bless someone sharing your own story.

The year 2014 was fulfilling, I took a step into destiny, a year down memory lane that I will forever cherish.
Year 2014 birthed comfortofcomfort, I am grateful to Sista Bidemi Mark Mordi the Publisher of Effectual Magazine; my midwife in my darkest moments, whose message of Hope helped me realize purpose in my place of pain…God Bless Ma.

Recently I read a worrying story of a widow who lost hope and committed suicide, I couldn’t stop probing the issue… was there no one around, couldn’t she had confided on someone, How did it get to the level of suicide, I understand the situation is devastating, but if only she held on, to realize the revelation of who she is and how strong she was created to become. We don’t know how far we can go until we deliberately fight to win in the face of affliction.
The story was heart breaking, it got me thinking, reflecting on the agony I went through when Charles died unexpectedly, I almost gave up hope, I thought for a moment I wouldn’t survived it, it was overwhelming, I longed to hear his voice many times; I dialed his number hoping he would pick up, I craved for his touch, I yearned for his smile and laughter, but all was gone, the silence was unbearable, the feeling got beyond control…In the mist of it all, I had reasons to hold on… God has put so much in us, and should not let go of the beauty of what he planned to achieve.

He knows what we can endure, and he has put in us what it will take to withstand the pressure of what life will do to us, don’t abort your testimony. He won’t allow it to happen, if He hadn’t put in us what it will take to prevail. the situation may be tough... We can handle it, many times we are stressed out of life experience, but we have what it takes to move on.

Only the strong survive. The story of Job is a great example for us, he survived his ordeal, and the Bible recorded that the end of Job was better than his beginning, it was a difficult situation, but he handled it.

God will not invest on anyone who quit, God will only deal with the last man standing, and he expects us to endure, fight and take the crown
Don’t let go of life, for His grace is sufficient for us….. till next week I am willing to walk this road with you.  Send me an email


You are loved