Sunday 18 May 2014

Many times the challenges of life build and force us to find the courage and reasons to move on.  This rather unpleasant turn brings unbelievable change that the best of circumstances cannot bring.  This change I have found out is hinged on our value and belief system even in the place of adversity.

Today my confidence based on my experience is that the ability to know and see God in the place of mourning activates the miracle of strength in a dark and hopeless situation. As you know, I am not new to mourning...the loss my husband of 6 years of marriage; my best friend, confidant and partner Charles; has helped me see things and situations from God’s perspective. One of which is that whatever He allows to happen in our lives will work together for our good and in the process bless others.  In previous posts I talked about how God helped me through the different stages of grief and how I have received strength to move on.

I didn’t know I could survive a situation that terrible but as they say you never know how strong you can be (with God) until strength is your only option.

In Mathew 5:4; the Bible says ‘Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted’.

When the Lord says you are blessed, you are blessed indeed regardless of the challenges, pain and regrets in the place mourning. We are comforted through his word and able to overcome the oppression of tradition and society, and therefore confident of God’s word.

 Number 23:19; God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent hath he said and shall he not do it or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good.

However talking about blessing in the place of mourning, doesn’t make sense, as it is associated with frustration, pain and regrets and has no bearing on blessings as it seems. But Psalm 34: 18; the Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit.

The Lord’s presence makes all the difference in the place of mourning, the loss of a loved one is a heart breaking situation and it’s difficult to deal with without God that is why He has promised to be close in other to restore joy and peace to those who mourn in Zion.

The bible recognizes that a broken heart could crush the spirit, and results in all forms of physical challenges, but He has promised that his strength will be made strong in our weaknesses.

However it is important to know we are not disadvantaged in any way as a result of the sorrow and pain we are going through and shouldn’t listen to the opinion of people about us.  What is important is that you remember that you are valuable and that your circumstances will not define you in the long run if you know who you are.  Question is do you know who you are?  The answer to the question of your identity will determine how you will allow others to treat you, what you will submit to, but more importantly if you will ever rise from the ashes of your mourning.

God is more than willing to comfort us, and deliver us from all oppression, that is associated with the mourning as a result of the death of a loved one, and our relationship and the ability to believe in his capacity to comfort us in the place of mourning is what provokes God’s blessings.

Are youfeeling frustrated and dejected? Do you refuse to be comforted?  Is your reality today dark that you are unable to see that there is a tomorrow even for you that is bright?  Fear not!  For God is closer than you think and he will make all things work together for your good.

Never forget; blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted.

God knows your name and He is closer than you know… till next week I am willing to walk this road with you.  Send me an email

You are loved




Sunday 4 May 2014

The Courage to Fight

Thanks for all your calls and emails.  Today I want to address specifically what a woman should do when she is treated unfairly and unjustly; based on some of the questions I have received.  Someone wants to know what it was that gave me the courage to keep fighting.

Like I mentioned in my last post, it was not about money or allowances; for me it was about standing for what was right and doing my best in my little way to check the excesses of tradition and the abuse of culture.  In order to achieve the objective above, I found out a little too late; since I had made the commitment that I was going to be on unscheduled trips to court for a long time.

The court sittings were very challenging, I had to travel every hearing to Delta whenever the case was to be heard, it was full of painful memories though.  Talking about being treated unjustly, the argument as put forth by their counsel was that traditionally a wife was the property of the man’s family.  Based on this argument they were praying the court to give them the authority to dispense with Charles’ estate as they deemed fit since he died intestate… in all these I was also saddled with the burden of ensuring that I was doing what Charles would have wanted.

After a while because of the trend of the arguments the case was transferred from a lower court to a higher court.

I saw desperation in action, people who were ready to do anything, in other to have their way, there was this day in court when someone else’s marriage certificate was tendered in evidence.  Though it was thrown out; it still proves how unfairly tradition can treat a widow.   I experienced harassment and oppression piled on the pain I was feeling; yet I had the peace and conviction to keep at it.

However, let me quickly speak to the power in finding the right support network; I found mine in a group of female lawyers, who took up the matter pro bono and kept me informed and going even when I wanted to give up; they pushed me and kept me going.  Their support ensured that I received justice in the case itself and helped my frail emotional and psychological frame at the time.  They even stopped me from coming to Delta for the hearings, as they insisted they would represent me adequately and they kept to their word.  

Everyone needs this kind of support and as I came to find out every state government have a provision to this effect.  Take advantage of what is being offered; and don’t try to deal with the issues by yourself.  You need help just like I needed help in that time.

Truthfully when the court drama started, my plan was to be a spectator in the court room, not knowing how far they have actually gone and what to expect, but sitting in the court that fateful day and hearing all they had to say, I was angry and instantly I felt this injustice must not be allowed to continue, it must be stopped and resolved it’s worth fighting for, which I believe has helped in unfolding recent events.

We never can tell how far the course we believe and we  are willing to fight for can go, we can be rest assured it’s not for our advantage alone, but will also bring about change for the good of others. And that is the reason why we must not settle for less and give up. 

This had nothing to do with heroics; every time I made I had to suffer a lot of inconveniences; the least of which was money.  The bottom line was I had been treated badly and if I didn’t do something it was going to continue.  I was dissatisfied with the treatment I received as a widow and that provoked my reactions even when it was clear I might not be heard.

Today, sticking it out has paid off not in monetary terms again but in the way I am now treated. It is no longer a surprise to get calls sometimes from my in-laws regarding pending issues that still need my attention. This recognition today where Charles’ estate is concerned is born from putting up a fight and that took courage. To have them regard my opinion even though I had no children with Charles proves that sometimes fighting is just as important as mourning. 

All said; let our hope to triumph in the face of adversity completely depends on our faith in Christ Jesus; that is where the victory lies.

Hebrews 10:23; Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Don't forget to send me an email; It will be an honour to hear from you.

You are loved
