Sunday 10 August 2014


I have had the opportunity to listen to great minds pursuing their vision teach on various subjects, but my take home has always been acquired through the personal stories shared in the course of their message.   Someone once told me; ‘no one knows you better than yourself, and when your story is told by others be rest assured of being misrepresented’ but I never really understood the importance of telling my story myself until I started this blog and started to receive feedback from readers.
Some years ago I attended a fellowship where life transforming messages were taught on marriage.   I absolutely can’t remember the topic but it had to do with handling family issues. Usually after each teaching, contributions based on experience were welcome.   I remember a lady who used my story as a case study and tried to convince everyone how I maltreated and prevented my in-laws from benefiting and acquiring the properties my late husband left behind.
There I was listening and feeling sorry for her;recognizing the source of her information and how desperate they were and how far they were willing to go to justify their actions didn’t inconvenience me in anyway as I knew the truth and it was only a question of time before even the story teller realised it too.
It is important that you understand that the platform of this blog has lightened my burden and brought me relief in ways I didn’t know was possible.  All because I stepped up to the plate to tell my story and by so doing, I have been told others received help.  However, today I confess that I am more helped by telling my story than I ever imagined!
As helped as I have been by telling my story, I have learnt to share my feeling with my Maker and my Source, and that has helped me face every challenge with the consciousness of a winner.I am not claiming to be successful; as success is relative but I am definitely fulfilled and grateful for the privilege of knowing and having Jesus who took over my burdens and gave me rest when it was too heavy to bear.
You get release when you tell your story and you bring hope to others but should you not yet be in a position to tell your story to others may be you need to pour it all before God.  The Bible says He takes our tears and stores them in a bottle to pour out when the time is ripe to bring you a harvest and hope to others. 
Your story is not in vain… it is useful regardless of how painful.  Don’t allow your experience be in vain… God can use it all.
Remember what the enemy meant for evil He is able to turn around for your good.
May God bless and keep you...till next week I am willing to walk this road with you.  Send me an email

You are loved

Monday 4 August 2014


Recently I was in church listening to my Pastors wife teach, when she came up with an illustration and advice of what I will be sharing, immediately I knew God was reminding me of the many ways he insured my life unaware to me before Charles was killed.

The death of my husband Charles was a difficult situation for me to handle, but through all the challenges God covered me.  I cannot just stop affirming that nothing takes God by surprise; the shocking experiences after his burial even though not orchestrated by God, He worked through to glorify Himself.

For every one of these incidents God countered with a lot of surprises and most of them He had planned even before Charles passed.  For instance:

One of our family friends called me one fateful day that someone would like to meet with me, regarding an insurance policy Charles had taken and wanted to get my permission to give her my telephone number, I consented and in less than twenty minutes some lady called me. I remember that Charles had mentioned her and how irritated he had become with her because she had been pestering him to take a life policy. I remember he said he will sign up for the least premium to get her off his back.  I remember that conversation ended in laughter.  None of us could have seen that the policy will be required so soon.

The lady had informed the insurance company about Charles death, and was advised to communicate the requirements I should provide and submit as his wife and next of kin.

What I can’t explain till date is the mystery of all that Charles put in place to secure and enable me carry on in his absence, he may not have known what was driving him to make those preparations, neither did it cross my mind that the man who has being the reason for my fulfillment was going to disappear without saying goodbye, but God knew.

It was almost impossible to believe  when a representative from the insurance company called and handed me a cheque contrary to the opinion of many about insurance companies, this one not only paid, but they paid on time.

Charles was still providing my up keep allowance even at death, when all hope was lost, and it felt like I had nothing to live for, God was still watching out for me,

Peradventure you are in a devastating situation, with no hope of survival, because your covering has been removed, fear not for God will not allow you to be paralyzed by the crises you are going through when you are his child and be confident He’s got you covered...till next week I am willing to walk this road with you.  Send me an email
You are loved