Sunday 26 January 2014


Comfortofcomfort; wasn’t the name I chose, for me it sounded odd; but not to God, I wanted it changed when I heard in my spirit...have you forgotten that the Holy Spirit is the comforter, and Him alone can comfort His people, depend absolutely on Him for every Word (Jesus) of comfort. I am convinced the Comforter will invade our lives and be strong on our behalf. (John15:26).

So does this mean someone who isn’t a Christian shouldn’t read this, not at all, I am here to share my story, and be a blessing, and my faith is the anchor for that. So please be open and  expect to experience change in this situation. The reason I was able to overcome most of the challenges was my relationship with my maker GOD.  I believe that His word is true, hence I confidently relied on His personality, believing that the joy of the Lord is my strength.

Follow me as I share my story, you may find similarities in our experiences or yours may be different entirely, but I want you to know, that in our darkest moment, we can find light.

It is absolutely impossible to forget the love and support I experienced being married to Charles, looking back today; I can categorically say my marriage was built on God’s word, my respect and submission to him provoked an undisputed love that contended with all form of opposition,  I wasn’t a perfect wife, but sincerely I had great and unforgettable moments with Charles. One quality I admired deeply is his ability to carry everybody along and selflessly go out of his way to please those that were around him, my friends were automatically his friends, there was a time, a close friend of mine, who played an important role during my marriage was getting married, I wasn’t going to attend due to my health, when he noticed I was worried he had to travel to Agbor in Delta State for the wedding, that was one of the many ways, he did his best to be a blessing to me and most importantly his love for the members my family was astonishing and couldn’t be quantified.

There was never a dull moment with Charles, It was always difficult dealing with his absence when he had to travel, I can remember discussing with him that fateful day to postpone the trip, but he was determined to embark on the journey, he woke up very early on 9th February 2004 how can I forget that day, and promised to return in 3 days. He called to inform me of his arrival, when he got to Delta State, and I thanked God he had a safe trip.
I was preparing to attend a midweek service on the Wednesday 11th when I got a call, that Charles was involved in an accident, I remembered we spoke on phone and had missed his call few hours before; the telephone conversation wasn’t making sense…Where was he going?  Where did it happen? Questions ???... I didn’t get any satisfactory answer; MY WORLD STOPPED!  I was battered, broken and unable to continue to speak, I hurriedly left for church to inform my Pastor, who made the church pray for him.  While in church the incoming calls were persistent, and I had to go out with the church administrator, who spoke with the caller, and assured me all was well. I felt like flying to Delta immediately, but I was assured relatives at home were caring for him.

 I was persuaded to make the trip the next day. I prayed all night and relied on God’s faithfulness to divinely intervene and grant speedy recovery, the night was long, as distance has separated me from knowing the true state of his health, but I was confident that God knew and sees what was going on around him, Hagar referred to Him, as the God who sees, in Gen 16vs13, I believed all through the night, that all things will work together for our good.

 He does not turn His face away in our pain, and He is ever ready to come true for us in our time of difficulty, for Him alone knows the end of every matter from the beginning. That was the basis for my prayer, and I was confident He will make all things beautiful…
 Till next week when I will continue my story, remember that God gives beauty for ashes.  Should you want to share your story or just need a listening ear please send me an email

You are loved


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