Sunday 16 February 2014


The burial day came sooner than I had hoped. 

All the arrangements had been made; travel, casket, burial rites and all other things I wasn’t privy to.  The day preceding the burial we left Lagos very early for Abraka in Delta State.  All the way, I was so afraid; not knowing how to handle questions about his death.  Even before this day I had heard wind that I was going to be asked specifically what happened to Charles.  This was extremely uncomfortable for me to even think of.  Did it even occur to anyone I was far away from where the incident occurred? If I am asked, what was my answer expected to be?  To say a lot went through my mind is an under-statement.  This state of not been sure what to expect was mental torment for me.  However, I was at the same time filled with the hope that with members of my family around, I will receive a bit more consoling.
We arrived  Abraka late in the night and I was taken straight to Charles’ family compound where I would stay till the burial rite was over.  Surprisingly I was warmly received,with so many things going through my mind, I wanted to retire to bed immediately;  I wasn’t in in the right frame of mind to talk to anyone but  I cried all night, why was not in my home town for something different rather than to bury Charles? Somewhere deep inside I looked forward to see his body; like Mary and Martha in John 11, I hoped Jesus will show up and intervene.  But this was not meant to be, as I never set my eyes on him again.

 I was denied the opportunity to say goodbye to my husband of six years. Even as I pleaded with the little strength left in me to be allowed to say a few words in his honour nobody responded.   I started to call him with a loud voice, but of course he was dead and couldn’t hear me anymore.  It seemed like right before my eyes he disappeared from sight and my life was left empty.  There are no words to describe how I felt that fateful day.  I needed this closure but none thought to give it.

Support was indeed great from both family and friends for a while but within 3 days after the burial, everyone had traveled back to their stations and I was left alone sitting on the floor in that room.  I remember asking the only person left with me, what next was expected of me traditionally and she looked at my in pain...was silent for a while, then said “I don’t know either, those to sit for the meeting with the elders, have also traveled back to Lagos and you can’t be left alone here; I believe you will be advised to go back to your family”.  She whispered.

That day I can dropped the mask I had put on for people and the raw emotions showed and I wept like I had never wept before.  Yet even on the floor where I was alone and in deep pain  I could still hear God say, my grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your  weakness 2 Corinthian 12:9.

I knew the wisest thing to do was to turn completely to God;   all I could do, was ask for grace continuously, depending and relying on Him for help. 

So maybe you are not in this very raw place of pain or perhaps your pain is even deeper than I am able to describe; the word of God says there is no temptation come upon man that is peculiar.  Someone else has gone through something similar and they survived…as matter of fact they prevailed.  You can too, let your focus be on how you will respond in all of this… look unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith… He knows and He will bind your wounds, pour his oil upon you and heal you in Jesus name.  It has taken me 10 years to get here; my prayer is that your own healing comes faster than mine.  

All of that will be determined by how you respond… till next week, when we will look at the different stages of grief and how you can accelerate the process remember that God is the father of the fatherless and the husband of the widow.  He sees you and He will come and save you.
Send an email  to should you need to talk or just unburden… I am eagerly waiting to travel through with you.

You are loved.


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