Sunday 16 March 2014


Welcome, this week we would be looking at the story in 2 Kings 4:1-7 and I hope you will be encouraged to get up from the ashes of mourning and begin the first step towards a life of restoration and replenishment.

The story tells us about a desperate poor widow, who was at the verge of losing her sons, the only reasons for her joy after her husband, her lover, her friend, her provider, her protector, had been taken away from her by death. She was broken and left to care for herself and her two sons alone, and couldn’t pay her bills; as a result, her creditors were going to take her sons away as slaves so they can work off the debt. This was allowed under the Jewish Law, Lev. 25:39. She has been deprived of her husband, now she is about to lose her sons as well, remember she was married to one of the “sons of the prophets”, therefore I believe her life has been a life of devotion to the Lord, since her husband was training under Elisha to be one of the prophets and preachers in Israel, to my understanding she was walking her way into destiny before the tragic incident happened…  She must have asked herself series of questions not knowing what to do or where to turn in her pain and her poverty, all she remembered to do was to turn to the direction her husband knew before his death for the rescue her sons.

In my case I didn’t need to worry as earlier mentioned, since Charles had deposited some money in an account for me, that helped meet my need in the first four years after his death; even though I didn’t have children to care for; in the years we were married I never needed to do anything.  So you could say I was learning to live life anew; regardless it was hard.
As a result I can share in your pain especially if you have children and are going through. But most especially the Lord is very much aware and will reach out in his love.

I have heard my Pastors mention at least once every Sunday, that we should operate from our areas of strength, and the Bible passage we have read, did not point the woman to something she didn’t have, she may not have thought the oil was enough to I pay the debt but God knew and was willing to use the little she had.  Which might explain why she cried to the man of God, and he asked ‘what do you have’?  She remembered the small jar of oil, which then became her source of miracle, and her story changed.

In my case I was desperate to work to fill my days and earn money.  I didn’t want to become a beggar that I wasn’t just to. I came across an opportunity and decided to take a job, the salary was small, and the job was demanding, but I was happy, and did the job like my life depended on it, it wasn’t long before my boss noticed my determination and increased my salary; and today I have learnt to work with little or no supervision. This is huge considering I only worked for a short while I was married.

Life must go on even though you don’t feel it should and you cannot wait on others to carry you for long, it is time for you to ask yourself ‘what do I have?’ take it to God and absolutely depend on Him and He will give you more than you hoped for.

In spite of her pain and problems, the widow looked up to God for the help she needed! You need to look unto Him too.  The people around would love to help but don’t forget they have other responsibilities as well.  If God came through for the widow and for me He will come through for you; after all, He is the husband of the husbandless and the father of the fatherless.

May you find peace in Jesus name and may your eyes open to what you have in your hands.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

You are loved.


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