Monday 31 March 2014

Hope Against Hope

Hope against Hope

This last week was very fulfilling, I  am more convinced now more than ever before that God is very much present in my life and affairs, and couldn’t stop thanking Him, because it is dawning on me daily, that the only Purpose for this blog is to give Him glory, and give hope through His word.

I read the last post over and over again… I realized how greatly God helped me overcome pain and frustration.

 The story of Ruth is one of comfort that I can relate to, as young woman married to a Jew but from Moab; the bitter enemy of Israel, she was already disadvantaged. Her situation was so bad that even tradition dictated that she returned to her father's house, considering that the Jews were not meant to marry from Moab.

However, I imagine that returning to her family wasn’t going to be that easy either considering that they might have been informed of her conversion to the Jewish faith and now believed in Jehovah the God of her in-laws.


 Ruth's mother-in-law, Naomi, who was also a widow, wanted to return to her home in Bethlehem. Naomi had lost not only a husband, but both her sons as well. She was hurting, and wanted to return to her old friends and whatever family remained in Israel as the famine that made them leave was over and Israel restored.  Ruth decided to go with her, turning her back on the life she knew and was used to, don’t forget she was hurting, in pain and rejection yet her spirit within her was unbroken spirit and found the strength to go on without losing focus, she believed that the only way out was to follow and depend on the God, she had been introduced to, while her marriage lasted.

Like Ruth even with no knowledge of  what God had planned, I  choose to see hope, and stick with God, rather than stay with people who thought there is no way out for a young widow who had been stigmatized.

Remember every one of us are works in progress, therefore need to be confident that every plan and purpose of God for us shall definitely come to pass, as we deliberately follow God without fear and wavering, in the mist of our peculiar situations.

Blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green. It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought, nor shall it cease yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8 AMP

God is trustworthy and when our hope found and plugged in him, we need never lose courage. Regardless of what happens in our world, his promises are sure. There is nothing that can keep his Word from coming to pass, no adversity, no pain, no sorrow, no setback. Nothing can keep his promise from being fulfilled. This simple truth gives us comfort and hope in the midst of tough times.

So look up from where you have fallen, look up to the hills from whence your help comes.  Our help is in the Lord God of Heaven and He will do as He has said concerning in Jesus name.

I await your thoughts on how to find hope when everything seems hopeless.  Email me on

You are loved.


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